David HaMelech said: “Va’ani kirvas Elokim li tov” (As for me, being close to Hashem is what’s considered good). What King David (David HaMelech) desired was only one thing: to be close with Hashem.

The time between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur is known as the Ten Days of Repentance.  T’shuvah enables us to become close to Him again. The Rambam (Hilchos T’shuvah 7:6-7) expresses that the main point of t’shuvah is rebuilding our relationship with Hashem: “T’shuvah is great because it brings a man closer to the Sh’chinah… Yesterday, he was loathsome, distanced from Hashem, and an abomination; but today, he is beloved, a delight, close, and a friend… Before, when he davened, Hashem did not listen; and when he did mitzvos, they were torn up before Him… Today, he clings to the Sh’chinah… He calls out to Hashem and is answered…and he does mitzvos that are received with joy.”

 Many have the custom of taking on extra stringencies on themselves in order to develop a pattern of more meticulous religious observance. It is also customary to listen to shiurim, learn musar, and to give tz’dakah during this period.

 The Rambam in Hilchos T’shuvah, The Laws of Repentance (2:6), says, “Despite the fact that t’shuvah and crying out to Hashem are always timely, during the Ten Days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom HaKippurim it is exceedingly appropriate, and is accepted immediately, as it says, ‘Seek Hashem when He is to be found’ (Yeshayahu 55:6).” In Maseches Rosh HaShanah (18a) it explains that “‘Seek Hashem when He is to be found’ are the days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom HaKippurim.”

 The Rambam continues in Hilchos T’shuvah (3:4): “…Every person should view himself all year as if he were half innocent and half guilty. And that is the way he should look at the world, as well, as if it were half innocent and half guilty. If he would do just one sin, he would thereby tip both himself and the entire world towards the “guilty” side and cause great destruction. And if he would do just one mitzvah, he would tip both himself and the entire world towards the “innocent” side and cause for himself and for them salvation, as it says, “The righteous person is the foundation of the world” – because his being righteous tipped the world for good and saved it.”


List of People Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah
(a complete recovery)

 Please recite Psalms

20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.


Boris Baruch ben Frecha Frida

Alter Shmuel ben Chavah Leah

Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel

Chaim Yitzchak ben Feiga Hinda

Yitzchak Chaim ben Altoon Aura

Yosef Yitzchak ben Gittel

Eliezer ben Roma

Yosef Ezriel ben Chayah Michal

Aharon ben Feiga

Menachem Mendel ben Gitta Perel

Moshe ben Rachel

Yitzchak Nissim ben Luna

David ben Zina Priyev

Yosef ben Zackie

Yehoshua ben Miriam

Asher ben Rima

Tinok ben Chanah

Yechiel Nasan ben Sarah

Chaim Shmuel ben Leah

Shlomo Chaim ben Liza

Meir Moshe ben Ilanah

David Yehudah ben Maya Mazal

Avraham Refael ben Esther

Yisrael Meir ben Daphne Bruriah

Rafael ben Zilpah

Eitan Moshe ben Tal

Moshe ben Shoshanah

Gavriel ben Simi

Mordechai ben Evelyn Chavah

Akiva ben Malkah

Zev ben Leah

Yehudah ben Tziporah

Yehudah Yudel ben Miriam Gittel

Refael Meir HaLevi ben Esther

Miriam bas Orah

Esther Pesel bas Beila Chayah

Minna Rivkah bas Chanah Frahdl

Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas

Ruchamah Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel

Esther Hadassah bas Devorah

Leah bas Malkah

Avigayil bas Sarah

Ronit bas Olga

Perel bas Nechamah

Tehilah Hadassah bas Elanah

Berta Duchtar bas Rivkah

Avivah bas Yehudis

Chanah Chayah bas Rivkah Breina

Rivkah Esther bas Nina Naomi

Miriam bas Esther

Casey Naomi bas Larisa

Shaindel Frana bas Gittel

Mahnaz Ilanit bas Nosrat

Yaffah bas Nava Natali

Pnir bas Sarah

Alana bas Esther

Hadassah Liana bas Chavah Brachah

Shulamis bas Esther

Esther bas Naomi

Yocheved Esther bas Devorah Henya

Devorah Henya bas Rivkah Leah

Regina bas Sveta

Sarah bas Leah