Chabad on Campus of Queens partnered with the Belev Echad organization to bring two Israeli soldiers to speak to Queens College students in a special lunch event at Upper Crust Restaurant in Kew Gardens Hills, just a few blocks from the college.
“Although the campus is still largely closed, we didn’t want to miss the chance to bring these amazing Israeli soldiers to uplift the students,” commented Rabbi Shaul Wertheimer of Chabad on Campus.
At the event, the soldiers spoke about their experiences protecting the Jewish people in our Holy Land, and they described their traumatic injuries from which they are still recovering.
Mrs. Tzipah Wertheimer added that “the incredible self-sacrifice of the soldiers is a source of deep inspiration to us and the students. We are grateful to ZOA and Elizabeth Caplan for a co-sponsorship.”
Chabad on Campus has had a permanent presence in Queens since 2004, and provides religious, social, and cultural programs for college students. For more information, visit