This week, unfortunately, we are all mourning the loss of Rabbi Zechariah [Shimon ben Yitzchak] Wallerstein HaKohen zt”l and Rabbi Moshe Neuman zt”l, remarkable men who gave chinuch to hundreds of women. They both initiated schools and other educational programming to ensure that every girl had the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually. It made no difference to them the background of the students, be it Sefardi, Ashkenazi, Litvish, or chasidic. Their genuine love and dedication to all members were what made them both very successful.

Rabbi Wallerstein and Rabbi Neuman both epitomized achdus Yisrael and the mitzvah of “V’ahavta L’rei’acha Kamocha (Love your friend as yourself).” They both displayed a level of thoughtful kindness that makes others feel seen and accepted. At the time the Torah was given, Rashi points out, there was sublime “achdus” meaning that every Jew was able to go beyond himself and be objective. The amount of achdus that we achieve is the measure of our objectivity at any given moment in time. It is subjectivity that leads to selfishness, and selfishness that leads to a sin’as chinam.

Between the holidays of Passover and Shavuos, we count the Omer each evening, signifying our preparation for the receiving of the Torah on Shavuos. On a spiritual level, S’firas HaOmer mirrors the journey of our ancestors from Egypt to Sinai. We left as oppressed people and we became liberated through the time we spent in the desert.

During this time period, we learn that it is not enough to be free; we must do the hard work of introspection and self-examination to truly know our freedom. It is a spiritual spring cleaning, inviting us into inner transformation.

In the z’chus of Rabbi Wallerstein zt”l and Rabbi Neuman zt”l, let us learn from their ways and come together in unity and love one another in spite of our differences. We are all brothers and sisters with one father. The mitzvah of “V’ahavta L’rei’acha Kamocha” also proscribes behavior that we would not want to be exhibited to us by others, for example, not causing pain to a fellow Jew or being careful to show proper respect to our friends. May our efforts in achdus give us the merit to light candles in the Bayit Sh’lishi, Amen!

May the Wallerstein and Neuman families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim. May they each be a meilitz yosher for us all.

List of People Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah (a complete recovery)


Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.


Shmuel Moshe ben Peninah

Yosef ben Leah

Aharon Mordechai ben Sharon

Eliyahu ben Miriam

Moshe ben Rachel

Michael Uram ben Raya Rachel

Nisan ben Yael

Nissim ben Devorah

Yehoshua ben Miriam

Mordechai ben Rachel Anba

Yehoshua ben Fruma

Yisrael Meir ben Etta Rachel

Masoud Meir ben Etta Rachel

Moshe ben Mazal

Yechezkel ben Esther Serel

Yitzchak Chaim ben Sarah

Shimon ben Mercedes

Eliyahu ben Margalit

Yosef ben Nosrat

Yosef Gidon Yaakov ben Peninah

Moshe Chaim ben Shulamis

Efraim ben Leah

Ezra Refael ben Taoos Miriam


Frieda Malkah bas Sarah

Tinokey bas Rivkah

Malkah bas Reich Shifrah

Rachel bas Yehudis Binah Baila

Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas

Ruchama Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel

Esther Hadassah bas Devorah

Alizah bas Miriam

Chanah Elianah bas Naomi

Adele bas Adi

Orah bas Naomi

Chayah Brachah bas Miriam

Sally Ronit bas Taoos Miriam 

This week, unfortunately, we are all mourning the loss of Rabbi Zechariah [Shimon ben Yitzchak] Wallerstein HaKohen zt”l and Rabbi Moshe Neuman zt”l, remarkable men who gave chinuch to hundreds of women. They both initiated schools and other educational programming to ensure that every girl had the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually. It made no difference to them the background of the students, be it Sefardi, Ashkenazi, Litvish, or chasidic. Their genuine love and dedication to all members were what made them both very successful.