The most glaring deficiency in the criminal justice system is that judges are still not able to remand defendants based on the potential threat they pose to the public, according to Gennaro
“The State Legislature is in a special session right now to deal with SCOTUS’ concealed carry decision. While this is certainly a necessary measure, notably missing from Albany’s public safety docket is even the mere mention of giving New York State residents what they critically need and deserve – a ‘dangerousness’ standard for the remand dangerous defendants who are released and are committing repeat violent crimes while awaiting trial. New York is the only state in the country that does not have a dangerousness standard. The Federal government has a dangerous standard. Obviously, Gov. Hochul and the State Legislature are perfectly fine with New Yorkers living in fear. The NYS Association of Chiefs of Police have pleaded Albany for a dangerousness standard. Mayor Adams has pleaded for it as well. The skyrocketing statewide crime stats and the parents of slain children bear the most compelling witness to the need for a dangerousness standard. When Gov. Hochul called this special session, she proclaimed: ‘I have a moral responsibility as the leader of this State to do all I can to protect its people.’ Evidently, that is not the case. True leadership isn’t about doing what is easy and popular – it is about doing everything you can to protect the people.”