Recently, the Silverstein Hebrew Academy (SHA), together with the school’s PTA, sponsored an engaging parenting lecture hosted by SHA parents Bianca and Edwin Shirazian. The event, titled “Staying Calm, Cool, and Collected: Parenting with the Conscious Discipline Method,” featuring parenting expert Chanie Kaller, consisted of parents receiving practical advice on parenting young children, teens, and young adults.
Dozens of parents attended the workshop, which focused on improving the way parents communicate with their children, including one of the most important methods practiced at SHA, the conscious discipline method. The conscious discipline method is trendsetting and trailblazing, and creates a wonderful way to build positive relationships with both children and adults.
“Morah Chanie’s approach on how to discipline children in a healthy and effective way corresponds with the way we implement conscious discipline within our curriculum,” said SHA Associate Head of School Chanie Geisinsky. “We are happy we could connect her with our students’ parents.”
Morah Chanie has been teaching in early childhood programs for over 20 years. After starting her own school in 2007, she began her search for a better way to interact with children. Discovering Conscious Discipline, she began implementing self-regulating skills in her school and home. She offers parenting classes for local communities and workshops for local early childhood centers.
According to University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, Conscious Discipline is a philosophy for social-emotional learning, discipline, and self-regulation in the classroom and at home. It utilizes everyday events as opportunities for teaching and learning, and addresses the adult’s emotional intelligence as well as the child’s. With Conscious Discipline, teachers, students, and the entire school culture becomes a safe haven of cooperation, constructive problem solving, and academic success.