The Hillcrest community has been abuzz since learning that Rabbi Etan Schnall, a maggid shiur at Yeshiva University, would be assuming the recently vacated position of Rabbi at the prestigious Young Israel of Hillcrest, a formative shul of their Orthodox Jewish community that was once the most populated Young Israel in New York City.
The shul leadership has announced the Shabbos of Parshas Shoftim, September 2 and 3, as the welcoming weekend for the Schnalls. The k’hilah invites the Queens Jewish community to meet, greet, and connect with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schnall.
Additionally, the Rabbi will deliver an inaugural lecture, “Rosh HaShanah: In Search of the National Anthem” on Sunday, September 11, at 7:30 p.m., with Maariv to follow.
For over a decade, Rabbi Schnall, an alumnus of the RIETS Wexner Kollel Elyon at Yeshiva University, served as the Shabbos Rabbi for the Wilf Campus in Washington Heights.
In his service to the Jewish community as a sought-after rabbi and educator, Rabbi Schnall has lectured in communities across North America as a scholar-in-residence, served as Kashrus Administrator for the Vaad of Riverdale in Washington Heights, and is a member of the Manhattan Beis Din for Conversions. His eishes chayil, Rebbetzin Dr. Rebecca, is Professor of Nursing and Public Health at Columbia University.
The Queens Jewish Link and the Bukharian Jewish Link join the YIH community in extending warm wishes to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin and their family on this momentous occasion.