There were tons of smiles this past Motza’ei Shabbos, January 7, for the Queens Jewish Center’s melaveh malkah that united the Forest Hills shul’s diverse membership. Men, women, and children of all ages converged on the expansive main ballroom of the elegant shul, situated on the corner of 108th Street and 66th Avenue. A delicious generous dairy buffet provided by Shlomo Zalman Schwartz of Naomi’s Kosher Pizza and Falafel on Main Street in Kew Gardens Hills kept attendees nourished throughout the evening.
But it was the laughs and gasps that were most memorable as veteran mentalist extraordinaire “Joshy K” Kurzban continuously lit up the stage as he engaged and captivated the attentive audience, calling many up to the stage to assist. Much appreciation is extended to Rabbi Judah Kerbel and his wife Eliana, as well as to all the organizers, and of course attendees, for making the event a spectacular success.
By Shabsie Saphirstein
Photos by Toni Gordon, member QJC