Chazaq recently hosted a captivating “Kosher Cooking” event with Chanie Apfelbaum. The event showcased the culinary prowess of Chanie Apfelbaum, a renowned expert in kosher cooking, and was met with resounding success.

Taking place on Sunday, May 8, at Beth Gavriel in Queens, the event drew an enthusiastic audience eager to learn from Chanie Apfelbaum’s culinary expertise. Chanie, acclaimed for her blog “Busy in Brooklyn” and cookbook Totally Kosher, captivated attendees with her innovative and delectable approach to kosher cuisine.

The evening unfolded with a live cooking demonstration by Chanie, who delighted the audience with her culinary skills, creative recipes, and infectious passion for kosher cooking. Attendees had the unique opportunity to witness firsthand the techniques and flavors that have made Chanie a revered figure in the kosher cooking community.

In addition to the cooking demonstration, the event featured an engaging Q&A session, where Chanie fielded questions from the audience. Attendees had the opportunity to seek advice, gain further insights into kosher cooking techniques, and learn more about Chanie’s personal journey as a culinary expert.

The event also included words of inspiration from Rebbetzin Esther Zino, who shared her wisdom and insights on the importance of women in the Jewish home. Rebbetzin Esther Zino’s heartfelt message resonated with the audience, leaving them inspired and motivated.

Chazaq extends its heartfelt gratitude to Chanie Apfelbaum and everyone else involved for their invaluable contributions to the success of the event. The evening served as a testament to Chazaq’s commitment to providing enriching experiences that celebrate Jewish traditions and foster community engagement.

For more information about Chazaq and future events, please visit

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