Colors: Blue Color

Rav Shimshon Pincus z”l used to teach that the biggest miracle that there is in this world is a person’s ability to change – to break his negative habits and character traits and return to Hashem and his true self. This miracle is greater than the Splitting of the Sea, greater than the manna that our forefathers ate in the desert, and greater than all the other miracles that have been and will be. The strength, determination, and clarity that a person needs to break his evil inclination has a Divine Source, as it says, “The [evil] inclination of a person gathers strength every day, and desires to kill him…and if not for the fact that G-d helps him, he would not be able to overcome it.”

It’s the beginning of a new era at Emet Outreach. Thanks to an outpouring of support during their recent Charidy campaign, Emet is officially launching Emet 2.0. What is Emet 2.0? It’s an expansion of Emet’s programming to have a greater impact on the Jewish future of the Queens community and beyond. Emet 2.0 means that Emet will continue to connect one-on-one with students with their signature warmth and long-lasting relationships, but they will now also be able to reach more college students, young professionals, and married couples with the beauty of Torah and mitzvos.

The U.S. and Israel share the same values,” said Congressman Gregory Meeks, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the first congressional trip post-pandemic trip to Israel. Meeks spoke alongside Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the U.S. Embassy for an Independence Day event where he explained that the two nations were not gathered “because of politics,” rather, “We’re here because of values. We share the same values, and that is an unbreakable bond.”

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, and every inch of my body was trembling. I was engrossed in complete fear. An accident was bound to happen, and I had to pull the car off to the side of the highway. Here I was in a car and not knowing what to do or what is wrong with me. I was screaming to Hashem for help.” This was Michael’s first major encounter with a severe episode of a panic attack after suffering months of insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Michael was one of the speakers at the “Mental Health Awareness: Stop the Stigma” event on June 16 at Ohel Joseph & Brukho Toxsur Rego Park Center. The purpose of the event was to start the dialogue and acknowledge the fact that many individuals in our community who are faced with mental health issues often avoid or delay seeking help due to stigma.