For the last month, Central seniors have participated in the annual post-Pesach Senior Seminar. The program is designed to target the needs and interests of the seniors as they transition into the “real world.” It is an opportunity to provide special programming and speakers to address this momentous transition in their lives.
In addition, in lieu of their regular class schedule, seniors have the opportunity to participate in a Senior Beit Midrash Program (BMP), an exciting “adulting” series, daily fun activities, and amazing trips. Special “adulting” classes included visits from Chaverim to learn how to change a tire, lessons on cyber security, and the world of entrepreneurship.
Senior Leah Cherson of Hewlett said, “I loved Senior Seminar. We learned a lot of important life skills, like how to manage our finances. It’s such an important thing to know to be able to responsibly live our lives as adults, and I’m grateful we got to learn about it now!”
There were also wonderful speakers and practical lessons in Judaism. Seniors heard from guest speakers about Jewish genetic counseling, keeping a kosher kitchen, and tz’nius, all in addition to the BMP classes on several topics in Jewish thought and halachah. Lilly Baradarian, a senior from Great Neck, said, “The speakers related to us on a personal and emotional level. We learned how to preserve our Jewish identities in the secular world – in college or in any situation – as adults.”
With graduation around the corner, Senior Seminar was a great way for these seniors to end their four years at Central, as they go out into the world imbued with the Yeshiva University value of Torah U’Madda. We wish our senior class, and all graduates, a hearty mazal tov and good look on all future endeavors! We’ll miss you!