Colors: Blue Color

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) recently praised a decision by Airbnb to abandon its plan to delist homes in Judea and Samaria in Israel. The company also announced that it would contribute any proceeds that are generated from bookings in those regions to non-profit humanitarian organizations. After its initial declaration about placing restrictions on bookings in Israel, Airbnb was sued over its policy, both in the United States and Israel.

On Friday, April 5, the Yeshiva of Central Queens students in grades five through eight and faculty headed to the gym to watch the rebbeim play the student team members of the YCQ Varsity Basketball Team in the annual Rebbe-Talmid Game. The rebbeim and the students played in a four-quarter basketball game. The players were excited to play, and the students were so excited to watch the long-awaited game.