Colors: Blue Color

The Yeshiva of Central Queens gratefully acknowledges the Names, Not Numbers© Program that has taught our students about the Holocaust through the accounts of eyewitnesses, provided them with interviewing, filming, and editing skills, and, most importantly, enabled meaningful relationships to be forged between the survivors and our students. YCQ has benefited tremendously from its participation in this Legacy Heritage project.

At a Jewish-owned farm and retreat center in Connecticut, 27 young women participated in Yachad and Yeshiva University’s High School for Girls’s Annual Leadership Service Mission, a two-day day trip that focused on chesed, the environment, and tikkun olam. From April 7-8, participants with and without disabilities came together, demonstrating the unique opportunities afforded by inclusive community service experiences.  

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) this week issued the following statement in the wake of yesterday’s deadly shooting at a synagogue north of San Diego. A man entered Chabad of Poway during the morning services on the last day of Pesach and began shooting, killing one congregant and wounding several others, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, the synagogue’s spiritual leader.