Colors: Blue Color

Bnos Malka Academy administered the State ELA exams this week to grades 3-8. While it can be an anxious time for some students, they received plenty of encouragement from the first and second graders. In an adorable and welcome surprise, the third and fourth graders entered their classrooms to find decorated signs with words of encouragement, such as “Good Luck” and “You Can Do It.” The third and fourth grades were very touched by their younger peers’ show of support and went into the testing with confidence.


This week, the Mix-It-Up Anti-Bullying Club members at the Yeshiva of Central Queens gave lessons to the elementary school students. The first, second, and third graders were read stories about bullying. They then answered questions about the stories and about bullying. The fourth and fifth grades were shown a PowerPoint presentation about bullying, along with a video and song related to bullying. After viewing the PowerPoint and a discussion, the fourth and fifth grade students wrote their thoughts on two anti-bullying quotes that will be displayed in the junior high school building as a reminder.

On the last night of shiv’ah for Rabbi Elyakim Getzel Rosenblatt zt”l, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Kesser Torah, community members, alumni of the Yeshiva, and Yeshiva supporters gathered at Congregation Ohel Simcha for a memorial program. Mr. Avraham Kesherim, a good friend of the Yeshiva and of Rabbi Rosenblatt, organized the program. He welcomed everyone. He stated that “Rabbi Rosenblatt was rav of the whole k’hilah. He meant so much to everyone. He was calm, sweet, and caring. He was close to so many people. He accepted everyone into the Yeshiva. It didn’t matter about externals.”

Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe just concluded the amazing V’Shinantam L’Vanecha Shakla V’tarya Chazarah Program! The program gave boys in grades 5 through 8 the opportunity to review the Gemara they have learned and say it over by heart to earn participation in a very special trip. Last Thursday, Camelback Snowtubing Park was filled with close to 50 of our 7th and 8th graders who qualified. All the kids had a great time on the slopes while also enjoying the specially made YTM pom-pom winter hats!

On Thursday, April 4, MTA and New York NCSY partnered to present a Pre-Pesach Mishmar Madness program for MTA talmidim. MTA hosts Mishmar Madness – a post-Mishmar program that includes additional learning opportunities accompanied by dinner and activities – five times per year to enhance Torah learning for its talmidim. This event was presented in partnership with New York NCSY and featured chaburos with MTA alumni and NCSY advisors, shiurim with MTA rebbeim, interactive discussions with NCSY staff, exciting panoply games, and a lively fahrbrengen with world-renowned educator and NCSY mashpia Rav Judah Mischel.

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