Colors: Blue Color

On April 28, Sarit Katz (Central), Raffi Weil (MTA), and Noyah Shebshaievitz (Yeshivah of Flatbush), the co-chairs of Shalom Task Force’s Young Leadership Outreach Committee, were awarded the prestigious 2022 Youth Impact Award by the NYC Mayoral Service Recognition Program. This annual citywide celebration of volunteers and service members recognizes efforts to build solutions in response to community challenges and residents’ most urgent needs. NYC Service received more than 200 nominations for the four awards categories. The awardees completed service projects in 2021 that directly impacted communities hit hardest by the pandemic and were selected for excellence in building community through service.

Connection, dedication, and enthusiasm are just a few of the things that are apparent when stepping into a session of Emet’s TorahConnect for Women. Held on Wednesday evenings at Kehilat Avodat Hashem in Hillcrest, the learning program pairs Emet students of varying Jewish backgrounds with members of the community for in-depth Torah study. Attracting an average of 20 sets of partners each week, each student and mentor have been thoughtfully paired based on similar interests and personalities. The result is budding friendships and an educational and spiritually uplifting experience.

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