It might be cold and snowy outside, but on Tuesday, January 16, class 4C at Bnos Malka Academy “went camping” for the day! As the students walked into their English classroom, they were amazed to see it transformed into a campsite, complete with “tents” instead of desks, and a fire pit with logs for seating, replacing the usual carpet.

sThroughout the day, students enthusiastically participated in a variety of activities designed to reinforce their academic skills, all while sticking to the camping theme. Highlights included division with marshmallows, learning about visualization through camping stories, and crafting spooky stories with strong adjectives. Of course, no camping day would be complete without traditional camping snacks. Students had the opportunity to make and eat s’mores for snacking, all while wearing cozy pajamas. The class had a blast on their “trip” and learned so much along the way!