One of the highlights of the MTA school year is the annual Siyum and S’udas Preidah that the yeshivah hosts. The event celebrates the culmination of the talmidim’s accomplishments in Torah learning throughout the past ten months. It is an inspiring evening that brings together rebbeim, talmidim, and their families to be present for the siyum of three different masechtos, dance, enjoy a festive meal, and have a kumsitz that caps off the night. It has been a long-standing tradition at MTA, and one of the most special evenings for everyone involved.
This year, MTA was privileged to have Moreinu HaRav Schachter shlita celebrating with the yeshivah and address everyone with divrei Torah and brachah. Three students from three grades were each m’sayeim a different masechta on behalf of his grade. Each and every talmid had what to be proud of, as the talmidim learned and grew in their Torah learning and Yiddishkeit tremendously.