The HANC High School Class of 2023 was inaugurated into High School at the annual Freshman Retreat this past Sunday and Monday, September 9 and 10, at Camp Kaylie in Wurtsboro, New York. The students participated in two days of amazing activities, entertainment, and “just getting to know one another.” The trip was chaperoned by administrators, m’chanchim, and members of HANC’s Student Life Team.
The retreat started with a pizza lunch and an incredible hike in Harriman State Park, where students climbed to the peak, “Almost Perpendicular.” Students were awed at the beautiful vista where they took their first-grade photo for the new school year.
Once the group arrived at Camp Kaylie, they had the opportunity to participate in various activities, such as dodgeball, boating, go-karts, and basketball. After a sumptuous dinner, Rabbi Shlomo Adelman, the Principal, welcomed the class and challenged them to think out of the box and picture what their next four years at HANC would look like. To do this, every freshman received a HANC journal, which will be used to document their journey throughout high school.
The second day of the retreat began with t’filah, a hearty breakfast, and meaningful learning sessions. This was followed by an amazing group-team building activity of boat building. Everyone had an awesome time and made new friends.
Thank you to Rabbi Daniel Mezei, Director of Student Life and his team, Rabbi Aharon Friedler, Mrs. Nomi Zanjirian, and Rabbi Yakov Grun, for organizing the entire program. Kudos to the grade m’chanchim, Mrs. Rebecca Gordon and Rabbi Nafi Orlofsky, for joining the retreat.
This event could not have been possible without the team of senior advisors: Carly Kahn, Stephanie Hoch, Sarah Zeigler, Kayla Stern, Aaron Liviem, Dovy Lowenthal, Aaron Aphraim, and Nathan Matatov.