Yeshiva Har Torah’s second graders celebrated the receiving of their first chumashim and it was quite an exciting celebration! Preparations culminated in an incredible Chagigat HaChumash attended by parents and grandparents. The performance included songs about Torah and Eretz Yisrael. It also included a Hebrew skit reenacting the midrash about Hashem offering the Torah to other nations of the world!

In preparation for receiving their chumashim, students participated in other meaningful experiences to help them learn about and connect to the book they were about to receive.

Each student chose a story in Sefer B’reishis and created a painting to represent it. The collaboration between the classroom teachers and art teacher made this milestone come alive for the students. The paintings were on display at the chagigos and enjoyed by all.

Additionally, students took a trip to the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates to hear a presentation from a sofer and dance with the Torahs. The sofer taught the students about how Torahs are written and helped them understand the connection between the Torah scroll and the chumashim they were about to receive. Parents joined as well in this additional celebration leading up to the Chagigot. Mazal Tov to all of the second graders at YHT! May your Torah learning journey be sweet!