The freshmen headed down the Delaware River this week for their maiden voyage as a grade: a rafting trip! In six-person rafts and with their senior Big Sisters and Grade Deans in tow, the newly minted Central students paddled their way through the day, which ended at Mrs. CB Neugroschl’s home for dinner. Freshman Shira Rosoff expressed that “It was a great way for our grade to bond. If you were in a raft with people you knew, you got to know them better; and if you were with people you didn’t know, it was a great way to hang out for the first time.” It wasn’t all smooth sailing, though. Tallyah Akhavan and Sophia Shaool said, “We definitely got stuck a few times on boulders or on the sides of the river and had to get ourselves out! It was really fun, though, and we pulled through together.”