Each grade of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls had the opportunity on Wednesday, September 18, to partake in acts of chesed and community before the Yamim Nora’im.
Seniors were able to choose from three options: baking challah for hachnasas kallah, refurbishing bicycles for a bike gemach, or organizing a clothing gemach. The Juniors spent the day at the Hebrew Free Burial Association cemetery on Staten Island, where they cleared branches and leaves in an effort to clean the area.
SKA 10th graders went to IVDU, a school in Brooklyn for students with special needs, and made projects and played games with the girls. They also participated in a sensitivity training workshop run by Yachad advisors, which made their day of chesed so much more meaningful.
The Freshmen were divided into three groups. Several Ninth Graders went to the soup kitchen Masbia, where they prepared and organized food in crates, while another group went to Bobbie’s Place where they sorted and tagged clothing. The last group went to Otsar Day Hab, a day center for the disabled, where they did an art project with the adults.
Everyone came back to school feeling so accomplished! This was an amazing start to the chesed activities of SKA this year and a real encouragement to the pursuit of g’milas chasadim. Our thanks go to Mrs. Leanne Taylor and her committee heads for all their work planning these events.