Congratulations to Priva Halpert, a Junior at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, whose science research work has been published in the American Chemical Society Omega Journal. This is an extremely unusual accomplishment for a high school student!
During the school year of 2017-2018, SKA initiated an exceptional program. SKA partnered with MAGIC, a science 1:1 mentoring program, to offer students the opportunity to learn from women who are distinguished in science and research fields. Then, Freshman Priva Halpert worked with Dr. Mindy Levine, an SKA graduate (’00), who is a professor of chemistry at the University of Rhode Island. After two years of work on a project centered on the detection of alcohol, the project was finally ready to be presented. Priva then worked with one of Dr. Levine’s graduate students to take the project completely to the next level by working on an even more advanced technique of detection.
The official citation is: Haynes, Anna; Halpert, Priva; Levine, Mindy. “Colorimetric Detection of Aliphatic Alcohols in B-Cyclodextrin Solutions.” ACS Omega 2019, Ahead of Print; DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02612.
Good luck, Priva, as you continue to work on your upcoming science research projects!