Just before students and staff from the Yeshiva of Central Queens headed off for a much-needed school break, the eighth-grade SET³ STEM Club participated in a spaghetti bridge-building competition. Each student received a kit complete with spaghetti and glue guns, in order to build his/her bridge. The goal was to design and build a structure that would hold the maximum amount of weight applied. Students first explored the field of engineering, discussing Civil engineers, who are responsible for design and construction, and mechanical engineers, who focus on building the most stable structures. Usually the students work in teams to discuss options; this year, the lessons were on Zoom, with the students each building his/her own bridge, then meeting for the competition. All the bridges held a good deal of weight with many holding the maximum weight of over 20 lbs.
In a special presentation, just prior to winter break, the second-grade students received their first chumash. After working hard with their moros and music teacher Morah Tali Brody, they performed a beautiful rendition of Modeh Ani and read together from their first chumash. Their families joined in via Zoom, to watch this special event. Viviana Olsen, 2-204, said, “It felt amazing. I was really excited; my chumash was brand new. It was so special to receive my first chumash with my name on it and have my very own to learn from.”
To bring in the crazy, exciting, fun month of Adar and to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, pre-school and elementary school students wore their craziest, silliest hats to school, while class 3-211 danced down the hall singing MiSheNichnas Adar, increasing the excitement in the building.
To close out this week, on Motza’ei Shabbos, the fourth-grade girls enjoyed a virtual melaveh malkah organized by Mrs. Shirley Pourad Kaikov. Each student received a custom bag, replete with snacks, supplies for a craft project let by Morah Tova Friedman, and ingredients for a “make-your-own-pizza” with instructions by YCQ’s very own Rabbi Luigi Ribalt. The guests heard words of wisdom though a meaningful story told by guest speaker Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi. To end the evening, the participants enjoyed videos of Morah Silverstein’s class performing Adon Olam and Morah Friedman’s class performing Kos Y’shuos.
During these unprecedented times and the challenges that both students and staff are facing during this school year, the ongoing exciting events are keeping spirits high, and students engaged in their learning at YCQ.