Students and Faculty Reflect on Yom HaZikaron
On Wednesday, May 8, the 3rd of Iyar, the entire high school gathered in the auditorium to honor the memories of fallen Israeli soldiers and victims of terror who gave their lives to defend our Homeland so that we can visit and live without fear.
Morah Pnina Aronowitz, chairperson of the Ivrit Department, organized a moving tekes to commemorate Yom HaZikaron together with student volunteers. The ceremony began with the students solemnly marching in, holding Israeli flags.
The program continued with the students reading meaningful t’filos and poems. In addition to the readings, a powerful video, titled “I Choose Life” and featuring Miriam Peretz, mother of two fallen soldiers, was shown.
Students were inspired as they heard about the life of chayal Aharon Friedman z”l, friend and classmate of our very own Rabbi Aharon Friedler. In a moving tribute, Rabbi Friedler spoke of Aharon’s life and his love for the land, for which he paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect.
The program was enhanced by the return of alumnus Dylan Homapour (’15), who sang several songs commemorating the day. Our very own music teacher, Mr. Jacob Spadaro, and senior Bernie Maslin accompanied Dylan for Ani Maamin.
As is done in Israel on this day, a siren was sounded, during which we felt the solemnity of the day, remembering fallen soldiers. At the conclusion of the program, the entire high school stood for Hatikvah, Israel’s National Anthem, reminding us of our dedication to Medinat Yisrael.