On Taanis Esther, Shevach students went to visit local nursing homes to deliver mishloach manos provided by Agudath Israel of America, and to bring the spirit of Purim to the residents. Dressed up in fun costumes, the Shevach students, along with the elderly residents, had a memorable and uplifting experience.

Tanya Saiedian, one of the students who participated in this venture at the Boulevard ALP Assisted Living Program, shared a glimpse of the rewarding time spent there. “It was such an amazing experience going to Boulevard ALP. I truly witnessed sparks of joy shining on the residents’ faces when we greeted them with a smile, gave them mishloach manos, and had conversations with them. It was energizing to see that we were, baruch Hashem, able to give them so much simchah. Full-heartedly, I can say that I gained even more than the residents did from this special event.” This was just one girl’s experience, yet it was clear that all the girls felt the same way.

Kudos to the following Shevach students who participated in this wonderful chesed: Shevach Chesed Heads Henna Bayla Goldish and Tova Ribowsky, accompanied by Shevach students Sophia Ben-Baruch, Shira Goldish, Nomi Gray, Devorah Lind, and Batya Orbach.

In Kew Gardens, The Atria and The Homestead were both treated to a memorable visit by Shevach alumna Mrs. Batzion (Massis) Brody, her husband, and her three children, who in their delightful costumes brought Purim joy to all the residents. The seniors loved being visited by the charming children, some even remembering them from their previous Purim visits. As Mrs. Brody stated, “I started coming here on Purim when I was a Shevach student, and I will not give it up! This is the true spirit of Purim that I hope to impart to my children.”

The Queens community can be very proud of the Shevach students as they continue to do their wonderful acts of chesed and amaze all with their willingness to give.

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