With the introduction of the Beit Midrash Fellowship program at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls two years ago, the students of SKA have been benefiting from innovative and inspiring opportunities for religious growth. The SKA Fellows, under the direction of Mrs. Avital Braun, Rosh Beit Midrash, have contributed to the vibrant Torah atmosphere of the school while developing as impactful Judaic studies educators.
Ms. Sarah Berman, who has joined the SKA Beit Midrash program as a Fellow and halachah teacher this year, has introduced a new and popular voluntary initiative called the “Halacha Bekiut Program,” giving our students in every grade the z’chus to learn more Torah on their own and to be part of a group focused on being more familiar with halachah. Using Rav Eliezer Melamed’s sefer, P’ninei Halachah, over 45 SKA students are concentrating on special times throughout the year such as Rosh Chodesh and S’firas HaOmer.
Devoting just five minutes a day, Monday through Friday, with review on Shabbos and Sunday, the girls retain their learning with a weekly set of questions and Lunch-and-Learn with Ms. Berman. As an added incentive, girls get RISE credit and can earn money toward s’farim; at the end of the year, top scorers will receive additional prizes.
The real prize? The SKA students see that taking on their own learning project is an incredible opportunity to connect to Torah in a personal way – all while gaining more knowledge in halachah.