Colors: Blue Color

As graduation season approaches, the Seniors are finishing their classes, many are preparing for their exam with Rav Hershel Schachter shlita, they are completing their AP exams and going on a Senior Trip. Leading up to their completion of their time in high school, the MTA talmidim enjoyed a special evening together. On Wednesday, May 17, MTA celebrated the Class of 2023 with a two-part event.

Grades 4 and 5 Continue to Develop Coding Skills

Under the guidance of Morah Mazal Yusupov, students in Grades 4 and 5 are continuing to develop their coding skills. Students are using “micro:bits,” pocket-sized computers that help introduce students to software and hardware work together. Students were given “pseudo-code” and then applied the instructions to write “code” using the micro:bit software. Students are working on making their micro:bits play different songs and coding the buttons to play, pause, and skip to the next track.

The surge of technology in recent years has created a plethora of issues for talmidim in the Torah world. From addictive games to immoral content, the recent surge has had a significant impact on students’ quality of life, peer interactions, and productivity. Thus, Metivta Tiferet Torah created a unique program in 2021 to help mitigate the wave of technology in the students’ lives: The ReConnect Technology Program.

In observance of National Mental Health Awareness month, the students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls were presented with an extraordinary week-long program devoted to mental health consciousness and acts of kindness.  Organized by SKA’s Guidance Department, each day of the week beginning on Monday, May 15, was dedicated to various mental health themes while highlighting kindness and respect.

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