Colors: Blue Color

As they enter their 10th year, Yeshiva Tiferet Tzion would like to wish the entire community and YTT family, staff, students, alumni, supporters, and friends, a sweet new year filled with much brachah and hatzlachah. As the new z’man commenced, scenes of impassioned learning, camaraderie amongst friends, and achdus while enjoying the outdoors filled the yeshivah’s Forest Hills campus.

Lev Chana is very excited to have their own Grow Torah Garden this year! Grow Torah enables students to experience the awe and wonder of nature while connecting the miracle of Hashem’s world to the Parshah, Yomim Tovim, and midot tovot.  

The Ninth Graders of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls had a wonderful opportunity to start the school year in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere at their Freshman Experience held on Wednesday, September 14, on the beautiful grounds of Camp Kaylie. Spending time making new friends and meeting administrators and grade level advisors in a cozy setting gave the girls a comfortable foundation to their first year of high school.

This past Sunday, MTA welcomed parents to campus for the annual parent-son learning. All enjoyed the day as parents had the opportunity to learn with their sons and hear from the incredible rebbeim at MTA. Before hearing shiurim from the MTA rebbeim, the whole yeshiva and parents heard from Rabbi Menachem Penner, the Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS. Rabbi Penner shared inspiring words on tefillah that are sure to provide inspiration as we prepare for the Yomim Noraim. 

Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah hosted a Yom Limud Torah this past Sunday, September 17, the first day of selichos. The program included thought-provoking shiurim from the Roshei HaYeshiva, HaRav Kalman Epstein and HaRav Sholom Spitz. After Harav Sholom delivered his riveting shiur, entitled The Seder of Brachos in the T’filos of Rosh Hashanah, he concluded with divrei hisorerus. The yeshivah was filled with current talmidim and many alumni

The Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) Parent-Child Learning Program kicked off this year with S’lichos on Motza’ei Shabbos, September 17. Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, Rabbi of the Young Israel of Queens Valley, spoke to YCQ parents, students, rebbeim, and staff about regret and how we can turn regret into something positive by doing t’shuvah, forgiving ourselves, and moving forward.