Colors: Blue Color

The art of learning Rashi is being analyzed on a multitude of levels in the 6th grade girls classroom at Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion. The “Question on Question” rule hones their skill of identifying Rashi’s answer as well as Rashi’s occasional refutation with another question. The goal is to teach depth and glean insights that are not apparent at a quick glance. The Chavruta study partners first learn the information on their own, building independent thinking skills.

Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion HS for Girls opened their doors this September in their building on Woodhaven Boulevard. Starting with 15 girls in their ninth grade, the new building has four classrooms and a student center/lunchroom on the second floor, and the school is geared up to open its newly renovated first floor, which includes a custom-built library lounge, Robotics and Engineering Maker Space, Art Room, and Science Lab.

The award-winning Hishtadeil Lihyos Ish Midos Program has begun, once again, at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens! On Monday, the midos were introduced with a brand new and entertaining play entitled, “Fiddler Off the Roof.” The humorous and exhilarating presentation was professionally performed by the talented BYQ moros to a captivated audience of grades 1-8.