Colors: Blue Color

With the start of the school year, Ezra Academy has added many new aspects to what they are offering and providing to their students. One of these is an amazing new program called Operation Ezra. This is a chesed division, where the students look to help their communities by doing chesed where needed. This is not simply a one-time activity, but rather an ongoing and continuously evolving division of their extracurricular department. Operation Ezra is comprised of students who understand the importance of helping others and are looking to make a difference. They are led by Mrs. Rena Solomon.

The Midos Program is underway at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens! The students were thrilled to once again gather together for two separate presentations (grades 1-4 and 5-8) at an introductory assembly presenting the theme of the year. The theme of Tav Shin Pei Beis is “Binu Shnos Dor VaDor”Bais Yaakov – Back to BASics. Our motto is “Priorities of the Past.”

An inspirational morning was spent in Shevach High School during Aseres Y’mei T’shuvah, focused on the theme of “K’vakaras roeh edro.” Under the guidance of the Shevach Principal, Mrs. Shulamith Insel, and Yom Iyun Coordinator, Mrs. Debbie Meltzer, the Shevach seniors put their hearts and efforts into making sure this yom iyun would have an everlasting impact. And in the words of Shevach senior Rachel Mamanov, “I knew I was in for a motivational, emotional, yet exciting ride.”

Hadar Bet Yaakov girls enjoyed a multi-faceted approach to t’shuvah this year that began at Student Orientation with a “New Beginnings” presentation on the overlap of the onset of school with Rosh HaShanah and continued through Erev Yom Kippur via academic curricula as well as extra-curricular programming.