Colors: Blue Color

Throughout history, David HaMelech’s book of Psalms has been a traditional source of inspiration, chizuk, clarity, and comfort in times of distress. Whenever we find ourselves in difficult situations, whether individually or communally, we open up the Book of Psalms and use David HaMelech’s poetic praises and supplications to ask Hashem for mercy. Throughout the 150 chapters, there are praises, declarations, and supplications spanning the full range of human emotions (e.g., fear, hope, despair, excitement). All of the chapters convey an emotional awareness of Hashem’s involvement in every aspect of our lives. The Midrash tells us that when King David compiled the Psalms, he had in mind himself, as well as every Jew of every generation and every circumstance. The words of the Psalms contain appropriate chapters for every possible situation, feelings, and circumstances.

On Monday, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization – applauded Senator Chuck Schumer’s announcement of his proposal to quadruple the funding level for the federal government’s security grants to synagogues and other houses of worship and nonprofit organizations.

City launching new Neighborhood Safety Coalitions
based on a successful model used to drive down gun violence

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday the creation of new multi-ethnic interfaith Neighborhood Safety Coalitions, increased NYPD presence, and new Department of Education lesson plans and curriculum as part of the City’s commitment to the prevention of hate crimes and anti-Semitic attacks. In addition to an immediate increased NYPD presence, the new Neighborhood Safety Coalitions will have physical presence in the community with neighborhood safety walks and corner watches. They will also offer ongoing programming designed to promote tolerance and break down stereotypes.

On Sunday evening, the eighth night of Chanukah, Chabad On Campus of Queens hosted a public menorah lighting in front of Soy Sauce on Main Street. Despite the chilly rain, there was dancing on Main Street, celebrating the miracles of Chanukah!