Colors: Blue Color

The NSHA Middle School Megillah Readers Program, initiated two decades ago by Dr. Paul Brody, was named in his honor as was a recently purchased beautiful megillah, to be used by each student reader on Purim Day. The announcement was delivered by Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Kobrin, Rosh HaYeshivah and Head of School, at the Middle School graduation exercises, held in the main sanctuary of the Great Neck Synagogue this past June.

The Mishnah (Taanis 26) teaches us: “Mi’she’nichnas Av m’maatim b’simchah,” at the beginning of Av we should moderate our joy. Numerous disasters affected the Jewish people on Tish’ah B’Av, such as the destruction of the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem. Our practices of mourning are increased as we enter the month of Av and become even more intensified in the week of Tish’ah B’Av.

As the fourth week of the Ezra Summer Series comes to its close, the program is more popular than ever. The recent speakers have covered a vast range of topics meant to help strengthen the Ezra Academy students in their understanding and observance of mitzvos. Additionally, the speakers and visiting faculty bring support for so many who are working to strengthen their relationships with HaKadosh Baruch Hu. After speaking with “the regulars” (those who attend weekly and have been doing so for the last three years), it is clear how much the program means to them. It is an opportunity to see friends, see teachers and rebbeim, stay connected, daven with a minyan, and maintain all the gains from the school year.

Organization’s Total Assistance Since the War Began: $16 Million Worldwide

UJA-Federation of New York today announced that it is providing more than $2.5 million this summer to assist refugees of the ongoing war in Ukraine who are in Israel. The funds will go toward programs that offer critical humanitarian assistance, including childcare, summer camps, and mental health services, and are being administered through six Israeli cities and several nonprofit organizations.

The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills proudly presents, in conjunction with the Queens Jewish Community Council, a community anti-crime program, featuring a presentation by Officer Hoffmann, Crime Prevention Officer of the 107th Police Precinct, on “ways to protect yourself and others from crimes against people and property.”

Cooking dinner as a couple became a memorable date night when Emet Outreach’s Couple’s Division hosted an enticing class at Apron Masters in Woodmere. Over a three-hour period, 12 couples and some eager Emet staff learned to prepare a three-course meal. “It was our first time offering such an exciting event for couples,” said Shay Yonaiev, Couples Director. “We love providing interactive workshops with useful tips, but cooking gourmet food together took it to another level. The staff at Apron Masters made it easy for us to follow along and feel accomplished.”