The news these days is stunning. Iran launches a barrage of rockets against Israel, leaving all unscathed, baruch Hashem. There are the deaths of precious Israeli soldiers by “friendly fire.” Thousands of Israelis attend the funeral of a Lone Soldier who was killed. A Jewish man, Rachamana litzlan, is scheduled to be executed in Iran. The president of Iran is killed in a helicopter crash. The International Criminal Court initiated by South Africa applies for a warrant to arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant for war crimes. (For good measure, they threw in Hamas terrorist leaders. Same level as IDF leadership. Yawn.) Remember how Jews in South Africa and worldwide fought against Apartheid? Hey, that was yesterday.

For the moment, we must be thankful to the Biden administration and Secretary Blinken for publicly condemning in very strong terms the indefensible decision of the ICC.

At a black college, many students turn their backs on President Biden as he gives a commencement address. No, not because he was insulting them by transparently pandering to them and scaring them about the Republican boogeyman. Rather, because of his support of “genocide” by Israel against the innocent Gazans. Another “thank you” to Jews for fighting for civil rights for all.

In a seemingly unrelated incident, I was in New Jersey this past Shabbos for a family simchah. I met one of the neighbors, who I know recently had two vans stolen right out of their driveway. I asked him if they retrieved the vans. He said they did recover one of them. I then asked him if the police were making any effort to apprehend the thieves.

Well, he told me that the cop dealing with his case told him that he himself had his bulletproof vest and his gun holster stolen from his car. He caught the perp himself and brought him to court. Despite 16 prior arrests, he was freed almost immediately by the judge.

Now I know this is what we have to live with in Blue states. But don’t Blue voters want to live without crime? Don’t they worry about their own safety? The answer is: We live in a world where every insanity is accepted as the norm, including the decriminalization of crime. This is how the world can flip against the very Jews they should be beholden to. Whatever becomes the truth of the day remains so. Facts mean nothing. That is why you see so many clips of student protesters who have no idea where Israel or Gaza is. Nor do they know or care to know which river or sea they are chanting about that should be free of Jews. A young Jew is still facing a death sentence in Iran for defending himself against a Muslim.

The world in which we live is very bizarre. But 30 days after Iran lobs 300 missiles at the Jewish State, the Butcher of Tehran is erased in a fiery ball. Our condolences to the UN members who expressed their sorrow for the loss of this great champion of human rights.

G-d lets us know that he still has his eyes watching for us. Not a good omen for our enemies next door or across the globe.

Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld is the Rabbi Emeritus of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, President of the Coalition for Jewish Values, former President of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens, and the Rabbinic Consultant for the Queens Jewish Link.

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