Dear Editor:
You will recall that we stated publicly that the Queens Jewish Link will not accept letters that are not civil in tone about any of the writers. Today in shul, a young man in high school came to me to complain about the letters critical of Warren Hecht. He said they were nasty in nature.
I saw the letters. I think that Michael Rollhaus’ letter was fair criticism, based on cogent arguments. But the letter signed by “T.F. from Great Neck” (“A Waste of Valuable Space”) was totally out of bounds. While I am in absolute disagreement with what Warren Hecht writes, he deserves to be treated with respect. Secondly, in my opinion, which I’ve stated previously, no Letter to the Editor should be accepted if it is not signed, unless the letter is of a very personal nature. If you allow unsigned letters, the QJL will become another blog with hate-filled people hiding behind anonymity.
Thanks for your consideration of this issue.
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld