Dear Editor:

 The reason many Orthodox Jews, among others, have problems with President Trump is not simply due to his style. It is his coarseness, combined with his astounding ignorance, unwillingness to study or think deeply about issues our nation faces, constant lying, and cruelty to others who dare question him (including his competitors in the past and upcoming presidential elections).

Let’s Work On What’s Really Important For This Nation

Dear Editor:

How nice that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, and their Democratic colleagues have been working days, nights, and weekends for over two years on developing a case to impeach President Trump. A majority of Americans would prefer they expend the same amount of energy in dealing with more pressing problems. Democrats forget that they doubled our national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion over eight years under President Obama. Republicans under President Trump added $2 trillion more over the past two years.

Dear Editor:

This email is in regard to the editorial letter from “Z. P.” regarding Tobi Rubinstein’s article on red lipstick. There are many cultural and customary standards that Jews have taken upon themselves. Many of these standards are not rooted in halachah. This particularly applies to modesty. Although, I am no expert on halachah, it seems to be human nature to shift focus from important and overwhelming issues to tangible, insignificant ones. Unfortunately, there are far greater problems in the Jewish communities than lipstick color.

The Case for Impeaching President Trump

Dear Editor:

Legal and constitutional scholars from all across the country have been pondering exactly under what grounds our duly elected president should be impeached. I’ve decided, therefore, to perform a public service and utilize the forum of this letter to outline a very exhaustive case as to why the president should be impeached.

Open Letter
To Voters From Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal

On Tuesday, November 5, New Yorkers will once again return to the polling booths to cast their votes in this year’s general election. It is imperative that our community remember to show our strength in numbers and make our voices heard by coming out to vote for Melinda Katz for District Attorney.