Colors: Cyan Color

 When most people look at Storey County, Nevada, all they see is a huge, desolate area.  There are no buildings, there are no stores, and no one lives there.  Nearly all of its 67,000 acres are covered by a desert plant called rabbit brush, and the only living things there are some wild horses and other animals that roam the desert.  

To paraphrase an old Wall Street commercial, every time Jim Rogers talks people listen, and well they should. Rogers has made a huge fortune trading commodities, stocks, markets, and currencies. Although he often calls himself the world’s worst market timer, that’s clearly a huge exaggeration, as he didn’t earn bundles of money by being wrong repeatedly.

About a year ago, Eric O’Keefe came across information he found very curious: Somebody was buying large tracts of prime farmland in Washington State.  As Editor and Founder of The Land Report, a publication that keeps close track of major land transactions, he wanted to know who the buyer was. Sales of 1,000 or more acres are considered significant and get special notice in his publication.  This transaction was for 14,500 acres.  Moreover, the land was in Eastern Washington State, an area which has some of the most expensive farmland in the country.

There’s been so much attention given to the soaring price of Bitcoin and the amazing gains in some heavily shorted stocks that other business stories are getting lost in the shuffle. But one of these, while not as immediate or as dramatic, is quietly gaining momentum and if this trend continues it will change the way we define money and, more important, the way we use it.