Colors: Green Color

During the next few weeks, we will be doing a lot of davening. We will be asking Hashem for good health, happiness, and forgiveness for things we should not have done. We will ask our Father in Heaven for success in educating our children, for parnasah and, of course, for shalom bayis. We will beg Him to heal the sick, take care of our elderly parents, and guide us properly in raising children in the way of Torah.

The Three Weeks are now becoming The Nine Days, and life has just gotten far more difficult. No laundering, no pleasure showers, no swimming, and no pastrami sandwiches. It seems like the big expression around here is simply, “Just Say No!” Therefore, please allow me to change things a bit. I have always trained myself to think differently, so here is a list that you won’t read anywhere else. It is a list of things that you can actually say “YES” to during these Nine Days. I call it my “Nine Ideas for the Nine Days.”

A p’sak halachah was just given by Rav Yaakov Ariel that is – quite literally – a revolution.  Rav Ariel is one of Israel’s leading poskim and the head of Machon Torah Ve’Ha’artez (The Institute for Torah and the Land of Israel).  Rav Ariel, former chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan, is the author of over 20 Halachic sefarim and the foremost Halachic authority on “Mitzvot teluyot ba’aretz” (Mitzvot connected to the Land).  To really appreciate his incredible p’sak, I need to give some background.

I have been thinking about this a lot and just arrived at a very strange conclusion. As you know, the last 18 months have been extremely challenging, yet, baruch Hashem, things seem to be returning to normal. School is finishing, camps are about to begin, weddings have returned, shuls are open, and masks are off. There’s so much to do to “catch up,” but before anything else here’s the first thing on the “to-do list”: We need to ask Pharaoh for forgiveness. Yes, Pharaoh – the bad, evil king in Egypt who enslaved our people for over 200 years and killed Jewish babies – that guy.