The beauty of makeup is the ability to create many different looks and styles. Since eyes are so unique and vary in shape, size and color, they require different eyeliner techniques. There are so many options to choose from; however, it can be difficult to know what works best for you. Therefore, identifying your eye shape can certainly simplify things. Whether your eyes are round, almond, hooded, close-set, or downturned, there are plenty of tips that will enhance, enlarge, and make them pop.
What’s your individual eye shape? Read on and discover the characteristics of each eye shape. Once you know the shape of your eyes, you will be ready to customize your eyeliner.
Almond Eyes - These eyes are shaped just like almonds, oval with elongated corners. The outer corners lift upward for a cat eye effect.
Round Eyes - Because these eyes are circular, there is less definition on the corners. Round eyes usually have well-defined creases and look larger than other shaped eyes.
Hooded Eyes - As the name implies, hooded eyes have a hood of skin on the lid. This means there is excess skin below the brow bone, which hovers over the eyelid.
Monolid Eyes - These are the opposite of hooded eyes, because a monolid essentially has no crease, and the lid appears to be smooth. This eye shape is commonly found in those of Asian descent.
Oval Eyes - These eyes are similar to almond, but may be less defined at the corners. Almond eyes seem to come to a distinct point, whereas oval eyes are essentially round but stretched out.
Deep-Set Eyes - Having deep-set eyes means your eyes are set deep into the socket. This may give the appearance of a more prominent brow bone.
Close-Set Eyes - This means your eyes generally have less space between them, making them appear closer together.
Wide-Set Eyes - These eyes are the opposite of close set, and have more space between them. In order to be considered wide-set, the space between them is usually wider than the size of one of your eyes.
Downturned Eyes - If you have this shape, you will tend to look sleepy, sad, or tired, because the outer corners turn downward.
Upturned Eyes - This is the opposite of downturned eyes, and the outer corners of your eyes point upwards.
Now that you’ve identified the shape of your eyes, you are ready to apply makeup correctly. Stay tuned next week for tricks of the trade to enhance and customize your very own eye shape.
Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.