“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only G-d can count the number of apples generated from a seed.” As it produces, reproduces again and again, an infinite amount of fruit will grow.
An exemplary Jew whose middle name is ‘generosity’, together with his caring family, makes a donation to Ezer Mizion. A Command Center Trailer is gifted, a much needed item to enable Ezer Mizion to do so much which would otherwise be extremely difficult or impossible. Even Ezer Mizion could not have conceived the numerous ‘apples’ that this gift continues to generate.
It is equipped with electricity, air conditioning and a communication setup and is used for emergency situations and major drives or projects. It has allowed Ezer Mizion to conveniently setup many a life-saving drive for the Bone Marrow Registry. An efficiently run command center can be set up on Lag B’Omer in Meron to handle transport of the elderly and all emergency situations. Its portability enables the immediate setup of an office, complete with phones and computers, to handle any emergency including terror attack and war needs.
The contribution was made by Allan Kinches, his children, Reuvaine & Joyce and Elliot & Nicole in loving memory of Marilyn Kinches, Morris and Ann Kinches, Norman and Geraldine Katz and Norman Kinches.
Allan Kinches, Ezer Mizion’s very good friend and supporter, recently arrived in Israel to visit his grandson and show support during these troubling times together with his son, Elliot.
A visit to Israel, of course, included a visit to Ezer Mizion where they were wined and dined like the royalty which they are. They heard vignette after vignette regarding the command center, in awe and gratitude for being the messengers of so much good.
They were given a tour of Ezer Mizion including the Ambulance Division and shown how the ambulances are outfitted with extremely hi-tech equipment to maximize the comfort and safety of the patient. They were blown away as each detail was displayed for them. It is these ambulances that are rushed to an emergency and then guided by a segment of the well-trained Dispatch Department, temporarily relocated at the scene by means of the Kinches Command Center Trailer and now capable of on the spot triage and minute to minute organization.
How many lives have been saved by people who registered at a bone marrow drive at the command center? How many lives have been saved in emergency situations where timing was crucial? How many children will be born from parents whose lives were saved? How many generations? How many ‘apples’ from the ‘seed’ so graciously planted by a family whose focus is: How can we better the lives of others.