Weekly Tefilah Focus

Baruch Atah Hashem 1

With this segment, we begin a new series. Although we have written about these three words in the...

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In the last segment, we mentioned that the words of the Shemoneh Esrei were written by the 120 Anshei K’neses HaG’dolah (the Men of the Great Assembly), which included prophets. HaRav Chaim Volozhin writes (Ruach Chaim, Avos 1:2) that the words rise to the most exalted part of the world. These words were designed by Hashem to achieve great impact merely by our focusing on each word before we say it, as discussed in the last segment.

We will, b’ezras Hashem, return to the brachah of Yotzeir HaM’oros. We are continuing this week with a special segment, because klal Yisrael as a whole – and so many individuals – are in dire need of our tefilos right now.

Banim La’shem! – Always And Everywhere!

Although Aleinu was composed by Yehoshua bin Nun, and the Anshei K’neses HaG’dolah instituted its inclusion in the Malchiyus section of tefilas Musaf on Rosh HaShanah, it was Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai who instituted saying it daily after each tefilah.  He did this to strengthen the emunah and spirits of klal Yisrael, who were living through the painful times of the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash.