Question: What is the required depth of mikvah waters?

Short Answer: Water in a mikvah must be a certain height above the middle of the immerser’s body. Accordingly, many mikvaos are approximately four feet deep.

Question: May a mikvah melt snow to fill the mikvah instead of water (i.e., if there is not much rainfall)?

Short Answer: According to many poskim, snow may be used to fill the mikvah, but one should not immerse until the snow melts. Nevertheless, there are certain stringencies involved in transporting and melting the snow.

Question: May one add chlorine to a mikvah?

Short Answer: Although one may not add anything to a mikvah that changes the color of the water, it is permitted to add clear chlorine to a mikvah, especially if it absolutely does not change the appearance of the water.

Question: May a mikvah contain warm water?

Short Answer: Yes, one may add warm tap water to our mikvaos, which are built by halachic mechanisms that permit tap water.

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