T’hilah L’David: Aromimcha Elokai HaMelech, va’avarchah shimcha l’olam va’ed.

A Psalm of praise by David: I will exalt You, my G-d the King, and I will bless Your Name forever and ever.

Opportune Timing

There are times of the year that are special times of favor before Hashem. During these times, we have greater opportunity to have our tefilos answered. Perhaps the most powerful examples are Yom Kippur, The Ten Days of T’shuvah (Aseres Y’mei T’shuvah), and Purim.

The Power of Ashrei

As we have been writing, every single tefilah, especially Minchah, is a precious gift and opportunity that we cannot afford to lose. Hashem is “depending” on us to offer sincere and heartfelt tefilos so He can deliver the kindness He desires to shower upon us and the worlds. Our brothers and sisters are depending on us. Our loved ones are depending on us.

The Power Of Ashrei

We have a built-in preparation to remind us of Hashem’s awesome power and loving kindness. Ashrei, which we recite prior to Minchah, paves the way for us to make our requests after having internalized Hashem’s desire to bestow kindness and His unlimited ability to do so.