A lively energy was in the air this past Sunday, March 17, throughout the Kew Gardens and Richmond Hill Jewish communities as the local Pirchei hosted a Purim mesibah at Khal Adas Yereim of Kew Gardens with the participation of over 100 local yeshivah boys.
The program’s tremendous success is widely due to the dedication of the chapter’s esteemed director, Rabbi Moshe Fogel, a popular rebbe at Yeshiva Ketana Zichron Chaim U’Binah of Queens. Delicious fresh pizza, energetic music, and amazing raffle prizes coincided with an enthusiastic ruach in the dancing, topped off by a fantastic costume contest! The program’s Chinese auction included a variety of some 20 gifts ranging from a $100 Amazon gift card, to an electric scooter, hoverboard, drone, basketball hoop amongst board games, exciting toys, s’farim, and books sharing Torah values.
Yasher koach to R’ Aaron Cyperstein, and R’ Heshy Greenberg, Co-Presidents of Khal Adas Yereim for their presence at this noteworthy pre-Purim celebration of Torah.