New York City’s revamped COVID-19 Food Delivery program now allows New Yorkers to schedule a month of free kosher grocery deliveries, Met Council announced this week. With a single 311 call or by visiting, New York City residents who need kosher groceries can get it delivered to their home for free due to the threat of COVID-19. It remains a daily challenge for many vulnerable New Yorkers, and by streamlining the meals delivery process, the city will help households get the groceries they need so residents can stay as safe as possible.
Each delivery will contain three days of groceries (nine meals worth per person) and arrive approximately eight times a month. Deliveries will be made within three days of the initial order. For another month’s supply, all city residents need to do is call 311 or visit at the start of a new month. Free kosher meal deliveries are available through the city, many of which are provided by Met Council.
“There is nothing more important right now than ensuring that New Yorkers in need have food on the table; and for New Yorkers who are stuck at home, home deliveries are the best option to keep them safe and fed,” said David G. Greenfield, the CEO of Met Council. “By allowing New Yorkers to schedule these free food deliveries a month in advance, New York City is keeping New Yorkers fed and protected from the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The city program is intended for individuals and families who meet all of the following criteria as a result of the COVID-19 emergency. Those who call or apply will be asked to confirm the following:
No members of the household can go out and get food because they are at increased medical risk or homebound
No neighbors or family members can go out and get food for you
You do not receive meal assistance from other providers (such as Meals on Wheels); and
You are unable to afford a private pay meal delivery or grocery delivery service (such as FreshDirect)
This program is available for a limited time, and all the food and the delivery is absolutely free. Those interested in enrolling in New York City’s COVID-19 Food Delivery Assistance program should call 311 or fill out the form at If you need any help with this or any other city, state, or federal program, please call the Met Council helpline at 929-292-9261. Met Council is providing six new coronavirus-related programs to those impacted by coronavirus, including unemployment help, free food delivery for Holocaust survivors, and domestic violence assistance. The Met Council coronavirus helpline is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and is free and confidential. Please call 929-292-9261.