Colors: Blue Color

On Sunday evening, November 17, there was a standing-room-only crowd of women at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel who came to hear Mrs. Dina Hurwitz share her inspiring story. With warmth and tears, Mrs. Hurwitz showed all of us how to face an extremely difficult challenge with love and hope and even joy. It was humbling and at the same time she gave each member of the audience the gift of hope.

On Tuesday evening, November 12, community members gathered at Congregation Bais Dovid (Rabbi Rubin’s shul) in Kew Gardens Hills, to hear a thought-provoking shiur from Rabbi Aharon Pessin, well-known speaker, author, and magid shiur who lives in Israel. The shiur was hosted by the renowned Chazaq organization. Rabbi Pessin spoke about cloning of humans and animals and the halachic ramifications and questions this involves. He focused on deep, important ideas that we can learn from studying this issue.

The 17th annual Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit Commemoration took place on November 9, Motza’ei Shabbos of Parshas Lech L’cha, all over the world. In Kew Gardens Hills, the Commemoration took place at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel. It was sponsored on behalf of the Torah Umesorah Aniyim Fund. Rebbetzin Miriam Welcher, representing the shul, led t’hilim on behalf of cholim. Next, Mrs. Sherry Rada welcomed everyone. She quoted Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlita, who said, “Klal Yisrael belongs to Rachel Imeinu. She’s with us all the time.”