Colors: Blue Color

In this week’s parshah, parshiyos VaYakhel-P’kudei, Moshe Rabbeinu gathers B’nei Yisrael to tell them about the construction of the Mishkan (the Tabernacle). This appears somewhat strange, for at no other time when Moshe Rabbeinu conveyed a mitzvah does the Torah tell us that he gathered all the people together.

YU Opens First-of-its-Kind Security Operations Center to Train the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Experts

New York, N.Y. – March 9, 2023 – Responding to the urgent need for next-gen cybersecurity experts who will make the nation and the world safer, Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health opened a new Security Operations Center (SOC) to provide an unprecedented level of hands-on, real-world training and cyber-defense skills.

Emet’s Women’s Division rose to the occasion with a motivational and meaningful mother-daughter challah bake. “The challah bake made me feel so grateful to be a Jewish woman and to be a part of Emet. I witnessed firsthand how special our community is and how we can come together to better ourselves and each other,” said Sharona Priyev one of the student leaders who organized the event along with Alexandra Davydov and the Emet team.  Over 150 mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends gathered at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates for an evening of baking, dancing, and celebrating with one another.

DoorDash delivery persons picked up food packages from the Masbia Food Reserve Depot on Sunday, March 5. Masbia will distribute food to over 5,000 families. The distribution started days before for Purim, and the main food deliveries will happen on the day of Purim. It is the ultimate way to fulfill the real mitzvah of Matanos LaEvyonim and Mishloach Manos. (