Colors: Blue Color


Aaron Shlomo Applebaum on the birth of a grandson, born to Dovid and Shoshana Menache

Rabbi Yisroel and Shavie Benedek on the birth of a grandson, Tzvi Yehuda, born to Michael and Dena Szpilzinger of Spring Valley

The Talmud teaches: “Welcoming guests is greater than welcoming the presence of the Sh’chinah” (Shabbos 127).

In Parshas VaYeira, Avraham sat at the opening of his tent in the extreme temperatures while recovering from his bris milah to look for guests so that he can do chesed. Avraham Avinu sees three men in the distance, and he ran out to greet them. The Midrash Rabbah explains that these three men were actually angels sent by Hashem to each carry out one mission.