Last week, Civic Spirit club members traveled to the New York Historical Society (NYHS). They heard a lecture, given by Richard Brookhiser, about his new book, Give Me Liberty: The History of America’s Exceptional Idea, which traces American history through 13 essential documents. He told fascinating stories relating to women’s voting rights, Emma Lazarus and the Statue of Liberty, FDR’s Arsenal of Democracy speech, and free speech. The students were also joined by Civic Spirit Director Lindsay Bressman.
Mrs. Audi Hecht, the faculty advisor of Civic Spirit, reflected, “The lecture was incredible. It was truly an experience being in the NYHS and everything about it, including the aura; the scholarship that emanated was surreal. I was so impressed with the students and how they appreciated the messages he shared. They are a wonderful group, and I’m so excited for all that we have yet to explore together this year!”