Rosh Chodesh Iyar was celebrated in Shevach High School with an inspiring and enjoyable breakfast. The GO theme of the month, “Teamwork,” was addressed by Mrs. Chaviva Pfeiffer, teacher and mechaneches at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens. Mrs. Pfeiffer, daughter of Rabbi Paysach Krohn, has inspired audiences for many years both as a speaker and as a writer. She creatively spoke of Team and of Work, and tied both in with simchah and avodas Hashem. Her words were warmly received, and the girls left with much to think about and internalize into their daily lives.
The uplifting talk was then followed by two teachers’ panel discussions. A dozen staff members, consisting of Shevach principals, mechanchos, and teachers, addressed student questions relating to the GO theme. A core point brought up was the importance of friends in all stages of one’s life, and the need to “reach across the aisle” in one’s relationship with others. Students enjoyed very much hearing and relating to the shared personal experiences from within the social fabric of their teachers’ lives, and absorbed the insightful advice the Shevach staff members offered on this topic.
The delicious breakfast was organized by the Shevach GO heads: Elana Adler, Hadassah Gottesman, Miriam Romm, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, and Chaya Praeger. To set the tone of the morning, the MPR was beautifully decorated, with the front wall emblazoned with the words “Team Shevach GOes for the Gold.”
A big thank you to Shevach Principal Rebbetzin Rochelle Hirtz and Shevach Educational Administrator Mrs. Devorah Kovitz for coordinating this special event for the girls. As the school year winds down, and the summer approaches, the lessons brought home from this Rosh Chodesh event will long be remembered by the Shevach students.