In honor of the 73rd Anniversary of Israel’s Independence, HANC High School celebrated Yom HaAtzmaut 5781 with spirited and meaningful educational programming throughout the day.
The morning began with t’filah and an all-school spirited musical Hallel led by our very own music teacher, Mr. Jacob Spadaro and Rabbi Yaakov Grun; followed by an epic Color War fake-out built off of a lecture about kachol v’lavan and their critical role in Israeli symbols such as the Israeli flag.
During morning shiur, classes participated in seminars on ahavat Medinat Yisrael by Principal Rabbi Eli Slomnicki and Dean of Students Mr. Avi Smus.
Rabbi Slomnicki had the opportunity to share with our upperclassmen a shiur about the deep relationship between Nassau County and hakamat ha’Medinah and the halachic relevance to that connection. The session culminated with students writing their personal reflections of a memorable experience.
Grades nine and ten participated in an interactive presentation with Mr. Smus who relayed to the student body his personal journey moving to Israel from England as a teenager, and eventually joining Tzahal in Special Forces. Mr. Smus stressed the importance of ahavas Yisrael and creating a kiddush Hashem working with various groups of people in the Army and beyond. A highlight of the workshop was the presentation and explanation of the Ghillie Suit (camouflage suit) and webbing, which Mr. Smus allowed the students to try on.
Following a shawarma lunch, the afternoon continued with a spectacular Israeli-themed carnival created by the Student Senate, led by President Atara Klein and Vice President Caity Davis.
Thank you to the Rabbi Daniel Mezei and the Student Life Team, as well as to the many dedicated students, for organizing the day’s festivities.