“Oneg Shabbat at Yeshiva of Central Queens is an exceptional part of its Early Childhood Program,” relates Morah Michelle Bloom, YCQ Kindergarten Teacher. “All the Kindergarten students come together in the shul and daven. They sing Shabbat songs and listen to a story by Rabbi Landsman, Principal of YCQ. It’s so important for the yeladim to see and experience this sense of achdut.”
Why is this so important? When examining the enthusiasm and spiritual inspiration unique to YCQ students and faculty, it is clear that Early Childhood Education participation is a strong indicator of future Jewish observance. YCQ emphasizes yirat shamayim, midot tovot, and love for Eretz Yisrael. These values are carried throughout life, as thousands of YCQ alumni can attest.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child, The Science of Early Childhood Development, writes, “A balanced approach to emotional, social, cognitive, and language development will best prepare all children for success in school and later in the workplace and community.”
Mrs. Sharon Korn, Director of YCQ’s Early Childhood Program, reports, “Early Childhood Education is the foundation upon which the child’s academic and social experiences are formed. When Judaic studies are started early, the children begin to learn who they are, and the beauty of Yiddishkeit. They come to love their Jewishness and know they are part of a very special people.”
Rabbi Mark Landsman, Principal of YCQ, notes, “For many years, our outstanding faculty in the YCQ Early Childhood Program have inspired the children to be excited about living a life dedicated to Torah and mitzvot. We look forward to having the privilege of connecting with your children, so that we may transmit our holy heritage to the next generation, confident that the knowledge we impart will have a long-term impact.”
The YCQ Early Childhood Program Open House will be held on Sunday, November 7, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. For more information, please contact Mrs. Sharon Korn, Director of the Early Childhood Program, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.., 718-793-8500, ext. 313. Space is limited. Please register ASAP.